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Moderatoren: Zythophilus, marcus03, Tiberis, ille ego qui, consus, e-latein: Team


Beitragvon sinemetu » So 9. Jun 2019, 10:36

Kann jemand etwas Wesentliches zur Etymologie des Zwillingswortes beitragen oder wenigstens eine Idee?

alt ist es ja noch nicht:

Quaestor sum, quaerere quaerique possum ...
Beiträge: 4476
Registriert: Mo 2. Apr 2012, 18:02

Re: Pillepalle

Beitragvon marcus03 » So 9. Jun 2019, 10:44

verdoppelnde Bildung mit Ablaut zu landschaftlich Pill = etwas Kleines, Stückchen, Teilchen, Herkunft ungeklärt vielleicht letzlich zu lateinisch pilula, ↑Pille.

Scheint aus dem Ruhrpott zu kommen:
Pater patriae
Beiträge: 11590
Registriert: Mi 30. Mai 2012, 06:57

Re: Pillepalle

Beitragvon cometes » So 9. Jun 2019, 12:36


(J.ten Doornkaat Kolman: Wörterbuch der ostfriesischen Sprache, 2. Band, S. 697)

Da das Ruhrdeutsch als Regiolekt u.a. unter dem Einfluss niederdeutscher Dialekte steht, könnte es also aus dem Norden dorthin gelangt sein.
Beiträge: 350
Registriert: Do 6. Mär 2014, 00:45

Re: Pillepalle

Beitragvon Willimox » Fr 14. Jun 2019, 15:37

Brakbekl war hier schon mal sinemetu unterwegs:


Und wollte diesmal halt wieder undercover (unter Vorspiegelung, ne, das ist nicht vorgespiegelt, Kommando zurück, wollte unter Markierung etymologischen Interesses ) irgendwie listenreich auch (seine) Merkelanwürfe anbringen.

Zuletzt geändert von Willimox am Sa 15. Jun 2019, 07:01, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 2725
Registriert: Sa 5. Nov 2005, 21:56
Wohnort: Miltenberg & München & Augsburg

Re: Pillepalle

Beitragvon Willimox » Fr 14. Jun 2019, 16:46

Dear Readers!

Can anyone contribute something essential to the etymology of the twin word "pille palle" or at least an idea? I've looked it up with various sources but I'm missing anything very useful.

It's the same with "pille", it's always pronounced, in French, as "parl" (as in "pâlle", but in Spanish it can become "par-la") and has a long, lingering phonological history. I'm looking to someone who knows more about it to help.

So who would it relate to if it's possible?

(No matter what you decide, this is a really big question, don't you think?)

brakbekl sine metu


Well it's probably related to the other word "le palle", "lème", but I can also find other uses for it including in the old French phrase "to go", although not using "pille" in its original sense. It's been associated with the past tense or l'autre to go, and a long history of using that form of "to do something" is what led us to call it "parl" (it was also used of the old French phrase "vienne pas"). So it's a pretty solid explanation, that, in my mind, is probably very much relevant to this case.

So what the French are saying is there's a really deep meaning for what they are doing here, but I'm not quite sure how important that is.

p.p.s. Queror - queer - quaestion - question

If the others don't go along, the individual queer head pays a high price for his courage.
Time, 26.07.2013, No. 31
The liberals lose an egomaniacal queer head, but also their greatest political talent.
The World, 18.03.2003
They didn't want to be bothered by any of the old guard's weirdoes.
The mirror, 13.01.1986
In every company, in every department, there are loners, misfits and cross-ties.
Kellner, Hedwig: The secret knowledge of personnel managers, Frankfurt a. M.: Eichborn 1998, p. 53

p.p. p.s

Can anybody explain, what this dialoges are meaning?

What has four wheels and flies?
A garbage truck.

What has four legs and flies?
A dead horse.

Quaerendo queror assidue.


Bonustrack zum ehrenden Andenken an Sinemetus Lidl-Roma-Tomaten-Diskurs:

Verlangt ein Mann auf dem Wochenmarkt "zwei Pfund Tomaten".
Erwidert der Händler: "Das heißt jetzt eigentlich Kilo."
Staunt der Mann: "Ach was, nicht mehr Tomaten?"
Lacht nicht: Sinemetu.


Beiträge: 2725
Registriert: Sa 5. Nov 2005, 21:56
Wohnort: Miltenberg & München & Augsburg

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